Our solutions
We have expertise in the portfolio of the largest on the market.
A leading company in the global business software applications market, SAP helps companies of all sizes and market sectors function better. It covers everything from operations to executive analysis and from desktops to mobile devices. As an accredited and SAP certified company, Sinosbyte develops and implements SAP solutions.
The performance of any company depends on process efficiency and maximizing results, regardless of the size or segment of the organization. In this way, the adoption of technology guarantees greater productivity.
SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), an innovation platform optimized for SAP applications in the cloud, offers comprehensive capabilities for low-code application development, artificial intelligence (AI), integration, data and analytics with native integration into SAP applications, as well as connectivity with other applications and data sources.
Organizations that use SAP BTP are able to measure the benefits of becoming smart and more competitive companies. Furthermore, due to its flexibility, the tool also allows the company to choose the solutions that best meet its needs.
With SAP BTP, organizations connect and automate their processes with the SAP Integration Suite.
A study by consultancy firm PwC indicates that 86% of customers prefer to pay more for a product or service as long as they provide quality experiences. Companies that provide a qualified experience are able to maintain a lasting relationship with the consumer.
When shopping online, for example, consumers seek practicality and functionality. It is precisely these aspects that the SAP BTP platform provides, as it brings together automation and application development resources, data and analytical functions, integration and AI in a single environment, contributing to more assertive decision-making on the part of the manager, also guaranteeing a more efficient process for companies, which will be able to manage their processes more automatically and intelligently.
Support Service
With a qualified and multidisciplinary team, it is a channel dedicated to being an extension of your IT, with continuous service improvements and predictive incident analysis.
Development Factory
Team specialized in implementing requirements, preparing technical documentation, optimizing implementation costs.
Systems Interface Optimization
Otimiza o preenchimento de campos durante a inserção de dados, aumentando a produtividade e ampliando o uso para toda empresa.
Big Data & Data Science
A mineração de dados (Data Mining, em inglês) já é uma realidade para o setor do comércio, principalmente o e-commerce e varejo. A maioria das empresas já se deu conta que, além de armazenar dados sobre os consumidores – informações cadastrais, registro de vendas, histórico do relacionamento – transformá-los em conhecimento estratégico é o diferencial.
Ou seja, é necessário interpretar todo esse volume de informações de uma forma inteligente e que gere um diferencial para o negócio. É aí que entra o data mining para cruzar as informações e identificar ameaças, oportunidades de mercado e prever comportamentos de consumo de forma estratégica.
Um supermercado, por exemplo, gera minuto a minuto centenas de milhares de dados. E todas essas informações, se utilizadas corretamente, podem gerar ainda mais vendas e receita.
Para isso a Sinosbyte criou uma solução, baseada em modelos estatísticos, que se torna um forte aliado do varejista, pois auxilia na leitura e no entendimento dos dados.
Com essa ferramenta, é possível encontrar padrão na relação de venda de produtos através das técnicas de data Science e mineração de dados.
Com os dashboards da Sinosbyte o empresário consegue acompanhar em tempo real os números do seu negócio, realizar análise de dados e, acima de tudo, transforma-se num aliado para a tomada de decisão.